TOC SLP/GSP content
What is the problem?
- What is the job of finance?
- Example of disaster in make/buy
- Example continued for investment in equipment
- Judgment of the system as a whole
- Judgment on investment in equipment
- Judgment on make/buy/alternatives
- Judgment on profit centers
- Judgment on product/service profit using the P&Q Example
- Defining T, I, OE
- Defining Net Profit and Return on Investment
- The Chain Analogy & Cost World vs. Throughput World
- The Cloud of Managers<
What is the solution (what to change to)?
- The Five Focusing Steps: Step 1 Identify the Constraint:
- Step 2: Decide how to Exploit the constraint
- Step 3: Subordinate
- Step 4: Elevate
- Step 5: Go back
- Using the Five Steps to judge the product/service profit
- The Ball is now in Marketing
- Now how to judge investment in equipment
- Judging make/buy alternatives
- Judgment of the system as a whole
- Judgment of profit centers

TOC Insights Content
What to change (what is the problem)?
Part 1: Finance as the Score-Keeper
Part 2: The two plausible causes for the current dissatisfaction
Part 3: Artificial inventory profits
Part 4: Cost accounting public enemy #1 of productivity
Part 5 & 6: "Product cost" calculation so much work for nothing
Part 7: Throughput, investment and operating expenses
Part 8: Cost World vs. Throughput World
What to change to (what is the solution)?
Part 9 & 10: The Five Steps process
Part 11: The recommended way to judge product/service viability
Part 12: The recommended way to judge investment in equipment
Part 13: The recommended way to judge make/buy alternatives
Part 14: Inventory: An asset? Or liability? The simple solution.