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  February 09, 2011


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Main Constraint of every organization: Management Attention - Video presentation  | top

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Watch this seminar, presented by Lisa Scheinkopf, in which you will:
  • Gain an understanding and demonstration of the main constraint of every organization.
  • Learn how to use a practical TOC tool.
  • Get a full synopsis of Now and Into the Future with Dr. Eli Goldratt.

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Focusing and the impact of Bad Multi-tasking by Eliyahu M. Goldratt - an Excerpt  | top

Introduction to TOC - My perspective
by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

There is a famous story about a gentile who approached the two great Rabbis of the time and asked each, "Can you teach me all of Judaism in the time I can stand on one leg?"

The first Rabbi chased him out of the house, however, the second Rabbi answered: "Don't do unto others what you don't want done to you. That is all of Judaism, the rest is just derivatives. Go and learn."

Can we do the same; can we condense all of TOC into one sentence? I think that it is possible to condense it to a single word-focus.

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The impact of bad multi-tasking
by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Dr. Goldratt explains the devastating impact that bad multi-tasking has on the lead time of any multi-project environment. This same concept applies to management time and its impact on focusing on the various issues and decisions that need to be made.
8 min, English

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Theory of Constraints means FOCUS. Learn where and how to focus when dealing with Production, Finance, Measurements, Project Mgmt, Engineering, Distribution and Supply Chain, Marketing, Sales and Buy-in, Managing People and Strategy and Tactics.

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TOCICO video of the week - An implementation experience | top

New York, USA
June 13-16, 2011

Experience presentations of case studies showing how-to guidelines used for implementing TOC into any business and the bottom line results that can be achieved.

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Viable Vision implementation experience in Neuland

by Sucheth Rao Davuluri

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this and next week ONLY >

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TOC Paper  | top

Using TOC to Avoid Disappointment in Improvement Programs

Some Definitions

Before we proceed, a few definitions are in order. First, disappointment is a feeling of sadness or frustration because something was not as good, attractive, or satisfactory as expected, or because something hoped for did not happen. The writer suspects that this word is familiar to those involved in improvement programs.

Improvement can, in general, be considered the process of making something better or of becoming better. But better, itself needs a context or definition as well. Since, as mentioned in the opening, organizations usually come together for a purpose or goal, both better and improvement need to be considered in relationship to the attainment of more of one’s goal(s).

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TOC Books – 20% discount coupon  | top

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