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  December 22, 2010

Previous on TOC Weekly!

Flying Logic - December Offer
NEW Book! - The Choice (revised edition)
Special Holiday Promotions - Gift Certificate
NIF Events - India, USA and China
Delivering the Goods - TOC Article

Who should attend the NIF event? Emotion, intuition and logic A look into the rules of Distribution
Featuring in this TOC Weekly!

Year end gift from Goldratt's Marketing Group
The Management Attention Constraint - a TOC event
The Decisive Competitive Edge - TOC Article
9th Annual TOCICO International Conference
TOC Books – 20% discount coupon

This week's FREE Viewing of the following video:

Strategy and Tactics - Inmunizing the Future of your Company Decisive Competitive Edge in Auto After Market


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Year end gift from Goldratt's Marketing Group   | top

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Over these last 10 years, Goldratt's Marketing Group has had the pleasure to serve the TOC community, and we sincerely thank you for the trust and support you have shown in us. The evolution of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has been remarkable and the future looks even more promising. The development of the TOC knowledge is growing significantly and possibly at a rate that is difficult to follow and internalize.

As such, we would like to assure you of our commitment to further extend in making TOC knowledge readily available. This coming year, we will devote time to bringing learning resources closer to you, and offering new and challenging opportunities to learn and apply TOC to your environment. We are especially excited about opening up opportunities which have been currently available to a few people to the Academic Community, allowing Professors and Students to benefit from the vast body of knowledge.

We will work to strengthen and improve our ways of interacting with you. Our websites and will continue to evolve, bringing the latest news, articles, videos, books and learning products to your fingertips. Our global partner network will continue to provide a regional source for your TOC products. Through our fast-growing TOC Weekly newsletter, we will make valuable knowledge accessible on a weekly basis. We encourage you to invite your colleagues and friends to subscribe to TOC Weekly, so that they can also benefit from the free videos, articles, discount coupons and news featured in each issue.

As this year reaches its final days, we would like to take this time to wish you a happy holiday season and a very successful 2011!


Goldratt’s Marketing Group
"Making TOC knowledge readily available"

As a token of appreciation, we are providing FREE access to ALL to our TOC Weekly subscribers throughout December 31st, 2010.

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The Management Attention Constraint - a TOC event   | top

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Management Attention: The Primary Constraint

The life of a manager or executive can be summed up in one word: multitasking. The higher you are in the line of command, the broader and deeper your responsibilities, the more there is for you to juggle. Immediate fires to put out, policy decisions to be made, initiatives to oversee, plans to be developed, the list goes on and on.

Join us for breakfast on January 13th when Lisa Scheinkopf will illustrate the direct link between management multitasking and capacity, and the impact on the achievement of the organization’s goal.

The realization that the availability of management attention is the number one element that sets the pace of the organization’s achievement leads directly to the question, "so what can we do about it?"

Click here for more information about the event

The Decisive Competitive Edge - TOC Article | top

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A good strategy implies a Decisive Competitive Edge
by Jaime Marun

Common sense and simplicity in the strategy:
"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
Leonardo Da Vinci

In order to achieve an important improvement in the financial performance of a company, it is necessary to have a Decisive Competitive Edge – DCE, which satisfies a Significant Need of the clients until achieved a point in which almost any competitor can't satisfy. So, the DCE has its origin in the atmosphere of businesses that involve our clients. This means that a good strategy manages to achieve a unique company in the market.


Click here to read the article in English

Haga clic aquí para leer el artí­culo en Español


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Strategy and Tactics - Inmunizing the Future of your Company
by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt

In this excerpt of the Goldratt Satellite Program (GSP), Dr. Goldratt explains how having a competitive edge is the cornerstone of a good strategy to ensure market and shareholder satisfaction, while providing security and satisfaction to employees. He presents how companies are wasting opportunities, and shows the size of the potential market if the company has a competitive edge.
20 min, English

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this week ONLY >

9th Annual TOCICO International Conference   | top

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2011 Annual TOCICO International Conference

Palisades, New York, US
June 13-16, 2011

Every year, the TOCICO Conferences offer a variety of presentations, case studies and testimonials on the development, usage and implementation of the Theory of Constraints. The following video is a sample of one of these:

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Decisive Competitive Edge in Auto After Market
by Anand Krishna, Kiran Kothekar

Case study, testimonial and experience shared during the Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in November 2007.
25 min, English

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this week ONLY >

TOC Books – 20% discount coupon  | top

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TOC Books

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* Coupon valid until December 31st, 2010. Every TOC Weekly will feature a new discount coupon.
Discount is applied when redeeming the discount coupon at checkout when ordering.

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