Hanging Fire: Achieving Predictable Results in an Uncertain World
Jeff Cox, Dale Houle and Hugh ColeInfo
Level of TOC knowledge acquired:
326 pagesDesigned for:
Academics, Business owners, Consultants, Executives, Leaders, Managers, Project Managers, Students and SupervisorsTopics:
Project ManagementApplication:
Buffer Management and Critical ChainLanguage:
\\\\\\If we have a constraint in the system, wouldn\\\\\\\'t we want to get rid of it?\\\\\\
Many businesses have multiple projects underway at any given time. Projects for customers. Projects to improve something. Projects to maintain equipment. Projects to align the organization. Projects to find the next big money-maker.
- When will it be finished? Sometime between sooner and later!
- How much will it really cost? Probably more than we expect!
- Will it do everything we want it to do? Well, we sure hope so, but maybe not!
- And often these projects have to compete with each other for funding, for internal resources, and for priority.
Hanging Fire is about that uncertain world – your world. It is about discovering a way of thinking that enables you and your colleagues to manage the unknown, achieve predicable results in the face of uncertainty, and gain 30% to 50% in capacity with minimal or no additional investment.
- Hanging Fire postulates a project-based business with multiple projects underway at any given time. But the same underlying principles presented in this project business can be applied to ANY environment where the combination of dependencies, interdependencies and variability leads to less-than-desirable outcomes. The major theme in Hanging Fire is creating reliable speed to market - developing new products and services expeditiously, getting them to the market rapidly, and have them generating revenue as soon as possible.