Get to the core and find breakthrough solutions.
Using the Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes like Jonah in The Goal unleashes intuition and develops extraordinary insights for problem analysis and solving; this workshop will help you zero in on the core issues, identify the necessary elements to construct a robust solution, significantly improving your personal effectiveness.
This is a hands-on workshop,
It is not a seminar.
You will be introduced to and learn the Theory of Constraints Thinking Process Tools that are not only the foundation of the TOC Applications, but a requirement to develop powerful, holistic, business solutions. Through cause and effect relationships a wide range of business problems will be understood and discussed. Having multiple persons from the same organization benefit together from the workshop, since together they discover what is blocking performance and preventing profitability in their own environment.
Reserving a seat
To maximize the learning and workshop quality, a maximum total number of 10 participants will be allowed to enroll in this workshop. A non‐refundable fee of 1250.00 per participant is required to reserve a seat.
Support your learning with,
exclusive bonus materials.
Included with your registration to the workshop, you will get the TOC VIP Membership including over 100 TOC eBooks and eDocuments like all chapters of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Handbook, plus full access to videos for one year to be reviewed either online or in download format.

Participants will learn to:
- Perform a Theory of Constraints analysis of a system
- Identify the core conflict of a system using the Evaporating Cloud process
- Build the Current Reality Tree (CRT) to explain the cause and effect relationships
- Build the Future Reality Tree (FRT) to develop a robust solution
- Identify and resolve potential negative outcomes using the Negative Branch (NBR) process
- Develop win/win solutions to create breakthrough strategies
- Develop implementation plans to make the solutions a reality
Dr. Goldratt explains the role and importance of the Thinking Processes as the means to find and implement the inherent simplicity

Watch the video →
Participants will learn to:
First 4 days:
Perform a Theory of Constraints analysis of a system - answer the question “What to change?”
- Establishing expectations and choosing the subject matter
- Learning how to identify the core conflict of a system using the Evaporating Cloud process
- Learning how to build a Current Reality Tree (CRT) to explain the cause and effect relationships
- Learning how to surface and challenge assumptions as the key to finding the direction of the solution
Second 4 days:
Develop win/win robust solutions to create breakthrough strategies - answer the question “What to change to?” and “How to cause the change”
- Learning how to build the Future Reality Tree (FRT) to define all the required changes
- Identifying and resolving potential negative outcomes using the Negative Branch (NBR) process
- Listing and overcoming obstacles to the implementation of the required changes
- Learning the basics of the Strategy & Tactic Tree as a communication and implementation tool
Note: The content is subject to change, depending on what is discussed during the workshop.
Choose two set of dates from any location, or Contact us for an in-house workshop
First 4 days
Second 4 days

October 2019
October 2019

Michigan, USA
August 21-24, 2019
September 4-7, 2019
"The thinking tools can be summarized into one word, and this is focus. The ability to relentlessly go to the heart of an issue or solution is not just a business tool but a life tool. When you go through it there is no turning back as it becomes the lens in which you see reality where nothing is safe from your new found perception and discernment."
Shanil Singh
Attendant of the June-July 2015 Goldratt Thinking Process Workshop
Here is what others also told us:
The two weeks flew so fast! That's how I know when I am enjoying content. The workshop gave me the tools that I feel allow me to truly impact my environment by first impacting my own thinking.
It will improve my personal effectiveness, to more clearly articulate (and visually) demonstrate vision and tasks to make significant progress with conflicts.
This will allow me to create common structure and documentation for marketing, sales, and HR practices.
Really enjoyed the facility and the learning atmosphere that was created during the seminar.
Using a real example from my experience to do the analysis was very helpful. I was very impressed with Danilo's ability to relate to everyone's trees and give good insight.
If you want to take your business to the next level by expanding your own horizon of thinking, this workshop is the best investment you will ever make.
Single seat
2 people
Workshop Fee
Reservation Fee*
* The workshop is limited to 10 participants and that if I select to just reserve a seat now, I will be charged the non-refundable reservation fee. (The final registration is only after payment of the remaining workshop fee).
The workshop fee includes workshop participation and the participants learning resources (Workshop materials, the TOC VIP Membership including over 100 TOC eBooks and eDocuments like all chapters of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Handbook, plus full access to videos for one year), lunch, refreshments & coffee and participant's completion certificate. The fee does not include Travel & Lodging and/or transportation costs.
Who is teaching?
This workshop will be conducted by TOC Professionals who are certified in the TOC Thinking Processes. Participants will benefit from the knowledge and experience of 2 TOC instructors during this workshop.
What is included in the fee?
The workshop fee includes workshop participation and the participants learning resources (Jonah Workshop materials, the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Handbook, full access to for one year), lunch, refreshments & coffee and participant's completion certificate.
Do I have to consider other costs
The fee does not include Travel & Lodging and/or transportation costs.
Do I get certified?
You will get a participation certificate. If you would like to be certified in the TOC Thinking Processes by the TOC International Certification Organization, then you will have to go through the certification process established by the TOCICO on your own (as this is part of the process) and after successfully completing the workshop.
What is the Cancellation policy?
The reservation fee of US$1,250.00 per person is non-refundable. Cancellations are accepted for a full refund minus US$1,250.00 reservation fee per person by July 31, 2018. Any cancellations made after July 31, 2018 will have the option to transfer the registration to another person or hold for attendance at a future workshop. Participation in any workshop requires the full payment of the workshop fee.
Your learning continues AFTER the Workshop:
Includes 1 YEAR of the exclusive TOC VIP Membership