TOCICO 2011 International Conference Presentations
Get the latest TOC
Eli Goldratt's latest development
- Never say I know
(Two day upgrade workshop for TOC Practitioners, now included!)
Thinking Processes
- The application of TOC-TP in a School Improvement Plan.
- The Systemic Cloud.
- Increase capacity in the Cooper Industry.
- Replenishment production in a Healthcare Equipment Manufacturer.
- Pricing the TOC Way to reliably make (more) money in manufacturers of custom products.
- Reducing Hassle for the clients of a plastic injection moulding manufacturing company.
- Reducing shortage while reducing inventory in a Healthcare Equipment Manufacturer.
- Applying TOC Distribution on a High Demand Variability Environment.
Project Management
- A new breakthrough tool for reducing changes in Projects by 50%.
- Break the Vicious Cycle in projects and achieve bottom line results.
- The Project Factory. Over 90% of the projects on time and within budget.
- A Visual Project Management tool to help getting things done.
- Applying TOC Thinking to Effectively Manage Merchandise - a Case Study in Jewelry Retail
- Achieving Viable Vision in fashion footwear retail chain.
- Implementation of TOC in a Fashion oriented apparel retailer.
Holistic Implementation and Ongoing Improvement
- Theory of Constraints Tapped to Accelerate BP's Gulf of Mexico Cleanup.
- TOC Massive Implementation on SMEs.
- SDAIS - A Roadmap for Continuous Business Success.
- The Path to Success: How to Make Any Implementation Successful.
- Structured Practical Techniques for Implementing TOC.
- Holistic TOC implementation in a plastic injection moulding manufacturing company.
Cash Constraint
- Implementing TOC in a Cash Constrained Organization
Challenges in Implementation
- The Important Role of the Transition Period in TOC Implementations
- Personal Challenges in Implementing TOC
World Development and Public Sector
- Managing change in urban water utilities in developing countries.
- Building a more efficient government in Utah's Department of Workforce Services.
- How to deal with the exponential population growth and the finite scarce resources.
- Using Critical Chains to Pull More and More Families out of the Favelas of Brazil, while taking top line to bottom line in 12 months.
An excerpt from a lecture that was given by Eli on May 5, 2011, at the Goldratt House.
"I asked myself a very simple, straightforward question: 'What would justify my presentation?' By this I mean to ask two things - the first is what is expected from me, by the TOC community, by those coming to the TOCICO; and the second is what I want to share with the TOC community to allow its continual growth. In other words, I was asking myself 'What is new TOC knowledge?'
"The answer, I discovered, is four-fold. The first criterion is that while the knowledge must be new, it must also be continuous. Obviously, the new knowledge cannot go against what has been said directly - it should not, if we have done due diligence on our analysis to date. The new knowledge has to relate to what has been said already, to the existing terminology and practices.
"And this leads me to the second criterion of my answer that the new knowledge has to enhance the existing knowledge. And by enhance I mean it has to blow the ship out of the water completely. If the power of the new knowledge is not at least double that of the existing knowledge, it does not enhance it sufficiently for me to call it 'new'.
"The third criterion is closely related to the former. While the second issue is the power of the upgrade, the third is that of its scope. Such new knowledge must upgrade all the material. It cannot be only a tweak to one S&T tree; it cannot be a refreshed look at a conflict cloud. It has to be something fundamental that will influence everything we do.
"Of course, and this is the last point, in order to be new, it should be based only on developments within the last relevant period. In this case, the relevant time is that which lapsed between the two TOC-ICO conferences: 12 months of development. And I believe that one year is a good amount of time to reflect on the advancement of knowledge.
"Of course, all that was left for me was to find such knowledge...luckily, I did."
Speaker Name(s)
Presentation Title
Kristen Cox
More Efficient Government:Implementing TOC in Utah's Department of Workforce Services
Alan Barnard
Exponential Population Growth + Finite Scarce Resources = Boom or Bust?
Michael Funcke-Bartz
Managing change in urban water utilities in developing countries
Marcia Hutchinson
The Application of the TOC-TP in Developing a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, and Empowering Middle School Peer Mediators and "At-Risk" students in Foster Homes
Bill Taylor
Construtora Veloso - Brazil Prototyping an Application of the "Unified Field Theory of Management"
James Holt
Visual Project Management Seeing How to Get Things Done
Andy Watt
A new breakthrough tool for reducing changes in projects by 50%
Tim Oltman
Breaking the Vicious Cycle to Achieve Bottom Line Results
Pierre Jaeck
The Project Factory
Humberto Baptista
Retail TOC - Get your Hands Dirty on the Implementation
Kiran Kothekar
Successfully Implementing Strategy and Tactic tree in a fashion retail chain and a company supplying to fashion retail chain
Wellington Machado
Applying TOC Distribution on a High Demand Variability Environment: A Case Study in One of the Largest Cosmetic Franchise Chain in the World
Roei Raz & Pazhanivelu Sukumaran
TOC for Effective Merchandise Titan Industries limited Jewellery Division
Oded Cohen
Personal Challenges in Implementing TOC
April Mills
The Path to Success: How to Make Any Implementation Successful
Eli Schragenheim
The Role of the Transition Period in implementing a change
Kelvyn Youngman
The Systemic Cloud A "Map Board" For Mapping Any Territory
Ravi Gilani
Implementing TOC in a Cash Constrained Organization
Dee Jacob
SDAIS - A Roadmap for Continuous Business Success
Brad Stillahn
"Competing against Blind Kittens" Pricing the TOC Way
Mark Stemberger
S&T tree as a roadmap to success
Mark Woeppel
TOC Tapped to Accelerate Gulf of Mexico Cleanup
Chris Mitchell & Jack Warchalowski
Implementing POOGI at Great Lakes Copper to Drastically Increase Capacity - a Road Map to Success
Atsushi Kitabayashi
Operational Excellence by TOC Armed IE
Hernan Sedano
TOC Massive Implementation on SME's
Andrew Kay
Structured Practical Techniques for Implementing TOCTurbo Boost Constraint Performance in 24 hours
Important note: Most presentations will be made available on the DVD set or on Nevertheless, recording quality or last minute presentation changes might cause few presentations to NOT be made available or have a different presentation title.