October 17th, 2011
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Featured in this TOC Weekly!
This week's FREE Viewing of the following videos:
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TOC Knowledge, Implementations and Case Studies | top |
Special TOC.tv offer available with Ondemand ordering
or CONTACT US for details.
Watch the 2011 TOCICO
International Conference first 2 days
The 2011 TOCICO Conference on DVD and TOC.tv includes over 30+ presentations from leading companies and TOC practitioners with:
- Case studies from successful implementations including Construtora Veloso, Great Lakes Cooper, Tomplast, Utah Department of Workforce Services, Geoservices-Schlumberger, NeoGrid, Boeing, Titan Industries and Omron Healthcare
- Sessions devoted to TOC in Health and Social care by Alex Knight, Lisa Ferguson, Gary Wadhwa, and Roy Stratton
- Presentations covering the following topics:
- Thinking Processes - Marcia L. Hutchinson, Kelvyn Youngman
- Manufacturing - Chris Mitchell, Jack Warchalowski, Atsushi Kitabayashi
- Distribution - Wellington Machado
- Project Management - Andy Watt, James Holt, Bill Taylor
- Retail - Humberto Baptista, Kiran Kothekar, Pazhanivelu Sukumaran
- Holistic Implementation - Mark Stemberger, Roei Raz
- Ongoing Improvement - Dee Jacob, Chris Mitchell, Bahadir Inozu
- Financial considerations - Ravi Gilani, Brad Stillahn, Shimeon Pass
- Implementation Challenges - Oded Cohen, Eli Schragenheim, Andrew Kay, Mark Woeppel, April Mills
- World Development and Public Sector - Kirsten Cox, Michael Funcke-Barts, Alan Barnard
This issue of TOC Weekly features two of the most exciting presentations from the Conference.
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Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt Foundation Foundation | top |
Teaching the World to Think - the Legacy of Dr. Goldratt
Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt had a lifelong goal to teach the world to think. His vision for the formation of the TOCICO was that TOC knowledge be ever flourishing.
The TOCICO board has chosen to honor Dr. Goldratt's commitment to ever flourishing TOC knowledge and the TOCICO by forming the Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt charitable foundation.
Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt Foundation has recently been certified as a Non-Profit Organization by the State of Washington in the USA.
Click here to view the certificate of incorporation
TOCICO is pleased to announce Fellowships in memory of Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. The foundation funds fellowships in applied research for the practical application and advancement of knowledge of the theory of constraints (TOC) and its mission is to encourage and reward continued development of new knowledge.
Foundation Funds will be used to:
- Create new knowledge
- Incorporate the Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Process
- Stimulate the creation and development of TOC knowledge
- Apply TOC thinking to other fields of knowledge
- Provide an interesting and exciting process to maintain the TOC community by keeping focused on the development of TOC
- Create a new and exciting session at the International Conference
This year $50,000 will be awarded through a series of stages starting with the Call for Papers for the 2012 International Conference in Chicago and ending with the winners presenting their papers at the conference. Click here to know more >
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