July 14th, 2011
Previously on TOC Weekly!
Featured in this TOC Weekly!
This week's FREE Viewing of the following videos:
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Goldratt's Golden Nugget #15 - Freezing in projects | top
The significance of freeze
As we all are very well aware, bad multi-tasking is a big sore evil that has major negative effects on performances in any environment, and in particular in projects environment. To diminish bad multi-tasking in projects environment we use, as an integral part of the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) solution, the freeze mechanism. This is the hardest step to get collaboration for. If we wish to get the full collaboration of all relevant functions on the freeze - and at the same time to accelerate performance - it behooves us to sharpen our understanding regarding the freeze mechanism.
TOC Tools for Project Management
Goldratt's Strategy and Tactic for Project Management
A step-by-step resource on How To implement CCPM. As Strategy and Tactic was created to show all necessary steps along the process, it presents the implementation in a logical, common sense way such as found in The Goal. Meant to address any reservations or concerns, the logical pattern presented by Dr. Eli Goldratt is thorough and leaves little room for misunderstanding.
Formats: DVD or Online Streaming.
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
https://www.toc-goldratt.com/gst/ccpm |
GSP on Project Management and Engineering - Critical Chain (CCPM) and Product Development
Projects (especially in multi-project environments) have characteristics which drastically differentiate them from production. Listen in 2.5 hours as Dr. Goldratt presents what to change (the problem) and what to change to (the solution) in order to finish projects ahead of time, within the allotted budget and without compromising on the content. This tool is ideal for a company implementation and can be used for an unlimited number of users and viewing.
Formats: DVD or Online Streaming
Languages: English, Spanish, Czech, Portuguese, Russian, Estonian, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.
http://www.toc-goldratt.com/gsp/3 |
Self Learning Program on Project Management and Engineering
This tool is designed for a single-user, it allows the individual to learn about CCPM and study the material over and over at their own speed. Dr. Goldratt explains the core conflict in project management, being caught between a rock and a hard place, and then he reveals the TOC solution, providing ways to stop bad multi-tasking, and how to schedule and set priorities with Critical Chain and buffer management.
Formats: CD-Rom
Languages: English, Spanish, Czech and Portuguese.
http://www.toc-goldratt.com/slp/3 |
TOC Insights into Project Management
This session will deepen your understanding of Critical Chain Project Management. Created by Dr. Goldratt and Rami Goldratt, the TOC Insights program is organized to answer in sequence the following five questions: Why to change?, What needs to be changed?, What to change it to?, How to cause the required change? , and How to keep it as a Process of Ongoing Improvement (POOGI)? This tool is ideal for individuals and/or groups, and can work independent of or in tandom with the accompanying TOC Self Learning Program sessions.
Formats: Download, Online, Client-Server
Languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Czech, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Russian
http://www.toc-goldratt.com/toc-insights/3 |
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The Pillars of TOC - To live a full and meaningful life | top
To live a full and meaningful life
Dr. Eli Goldratt's last development was the process to ensure the permanent evolution of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). He claimed that in order to live a full and meaningful life we need to think clearly, and in order to think clearly there are four main obstacles that must be overcome. The work to overcome these 4 obstacles is now known in the TOC Community as the Pillars of TOC.
The TOC community has truly dismantled the first three obstacles. The first two days of the TOCICO International Conference were devoted to understanding Dr. Goldratt's perspective on the fourth obstacle - thinking that "we know" and finding ways to erode it and to build the solid grounds of the fourth Pillar - "Never say I know".
The following materials were referenced during this video. For more information, please click below:
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Making change inside your Organization | top
Self learning tools to manage the TOC way
TOC has been known for its simple and practical breakthrough solutions. There are ample examples and references demonstrating and recording the benefits that these solution have been bringing to the companies that have implemented them.
Yet, managers who try to lead their people through the change to managing the TOC way are finding this task quite challenging.
There are a set of tools that can make this task of managing the TOC Way easier:
These tools can be purchased individually or bundled together as a special package with a discounted price until July 31st, 2011.
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